Having the unavoidable experience of interfacing with tourists on a daily basis for the last 5+ months, I have come to observe one possession they all share---an itinerary. Whether they are crazy planners or "fly by the seat of their pants" types, people have picked up pieces of information on Napa before they arrive. I have seen widely varying degrees of these itineraries. One nutjob was elated to show me his three-ring binder. I immediately knew he was heading down the path of psycho when he commented on the printed labels of his favorite wineries he used to adorn the cover. Yikes! Most commonly, I hear, "I told my friends and family I planning a trip to Napa and my brother-in-law told me to go to _____, my co-worker was at ______ in '05 and loved it, or the people we just met said ______ was their favorite." Based on all these tidbits, itineraries are created.
Whether they use Martha Stewart craftsmanship or jot down mental notes of "oh yea, I heard about that place and want to try it," everyone goes off recommendations in Napa! Farmstead has not been around long enough to get on those suggested lists. The cycle perpetuates because then new visitors are not trying Farmstead! The business is certainly not lacking, do not get me wrong, but this place should be blowing everywhere else out of the water!
Executive Chef, Sheamus Feeley (former legend at Rutherford Grill), is a winner. In addition to the best personality of any back-of-house guy I have ever met, you genuinely want him to succeed. His energy spreads through the gorgeous restaurant.

I have been to Farmstead on two occasions. For completely unrelated reasons, I turned vegetarian from the time between my first visit and most recent. This burger is the single reason I may revert. Every ingredient is pure perfection. Namely the mustard is so delicious, I was straight up dipping everything in it. Potatoes, lettuce, anything I could get my hands on! The second time around, I selected the black cod. The fish was just dandy, but the roasted beets and asparagus in Meyer lemon sauce highlighted the restaurant's farm-to-table philosophy and thankfully made me forget any feelings of burger envy.
The chocolate pie is easily the best dessert I have had anytime in recollection. Again, each component stands out with flavor yet blends together to form magic. Determining the winning layer is a tough call, but I will go with the crust.
As you can tell, I am mostly gushing with positivity. I will note the service is just adequate, and I strangely did not enjoy any of the four wines I have tried there. Good thing they have a $2 corkage fee (all proceeds benefit the community), because their outdoor bar is sure to be a big hook in the summer! Regardless, I have nothing but love for Farmstead.
Slowly but surely, Farmstead will see all the success they deserve. In the meantime, I will enjoy being able to get a table there at a decent hour!
Go or No Go? Go.
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